Mobilizing innovative policy, fiscal, and workforce strategies to support Wraparound, transform health care, and achieve positive outcomes for youth and families.
Supporting Assessments & Technology
Fidelity: The Wraparound Evaluation & Research Team (WERT) works with local initiatives to measure the quality of wraparound practice, as evaluated by the measures of the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS), which includes a self-report survey of caregivers, youth, and staff called the Wraparound Fidelity Index, short form (WFI-EZ), an observation measure called the Team Observation Measure (TOM 2.0), and a document review measure called the Documentation Assessment and Review Tool (DART). Sites can also elect to use WrapTrack, the web-based data entry and reporting system for the WFAS measures
System Support: Program and system conditions (community, state, and system support to wraparound implementation) are assessed by the Community Support for Wraparound Inventory (CSWI). The CSWI measures how well a local system supports the implementation of the Wraparound process, and is somewhat unique from the other WFAS instruments in that it assesses the system context for Wraparound as opposed to the fidelity to the practice model for an individual child and family. Interested in seeing a sample report?
Youth & Family Outcomes: Outcomes for youth and families can be evaluated via multiple methods, including analysis of administrative and cost data available from state and local systems, outcomes data collection, and use of standardized assessment measures. NWIC works with local initiatives to determine relevant stakeholder data needs and help prioritize and strategize data collection, analysis and reporting mechanisms to inform stakeholders and meet any local requirements.
The Wraparound Structured Assessment and Review (WrapSTAR): A comprehensive external review of a state or site’s Wraparound implementation. Through WrapSTAR, the NWIC accountability team collects and analyzes data on practice-level fidelity and outcomes (via family and staff survey, record review, and observation), program-level implementation (via staff survey and interviews and document review), and system-level supports (via stakeholder survey and interview), and the team will then provide specific, actionable feedback to the site or community.
Virtual Coaching Platform: The Virtual Coaching Platform (VCP) is a secure web-based tool that facilitates remote video coaching for human resource development. VCP allows “remote” training and coaching, so that staff and supervisors can learn new practices from experts who may be off-site in different cities or states. VCP also allows trainees to “observe” videos of expert (and inexpert) practice; allows supervisors to be trained to provide reliable feedback on supervise performance; and allows trainees to view and rate their own practice, and to share video clips of themselves “in action” with peers and supervisors.