Mobilizing innovative policy, fiscal, and workforce strategies to support Wraparound, transform health care, and achieve positive outcomes for youth and families.

Organizational & System Development
Successful implementation of Wraparound requires a focus on effective organizational practices and supportive systems-level structures and. NWIC works with states, regions, jurisdictions, and/or communities to identify needs and opportunities related to Wraparound implementation and long-term sustainability. This includes use of a comprehensive organizational self-assessment, and provision of external technical assistance from the field’s leading experts on system building, leadership, and innovative, integrated financing mechanisms wherever needed.
The technical assistance provided by NWIC includes options for virtual and onsite consultation from the nation's leading experts on Wraparound organizational development, financing, and systems design. Examples of topics for technical assistance include:
Building more effective system structures, including but not limited to: governance, management, quality assurance, and practice level, including care management entities and health homes;
Sustaining funding of high quality, high fidelity Wraparound and other needed services, including the leveraging of Medicaid and other federal, state, and local financing mechanisms;
Developing and incubating “centers of excellence” for ongoing implementation, quality assurance, policy, financing, and evaluation support;
Building, enhancing, and/or implementing workforce development initiatives outside of the Wraparound practice model, including shifting providers from residential services to quality home- and-community-based services; and
Implementation of Wraparound in the context of other systems of care efforts, including developing and implementing other evidence-based and promising practices, extending care coordination to child welfare and education, and many other innovations.